17.04.2020 • 

hoop al ya Lewis ways and
The cofeteria this afternoon. Theoded for the gym.
Un De questions on poge ?
With the Guys
HI, My name is Mark. Whet
It's where I usually hang w
are usually hong with my friends. Tavaris and Nick and me go
hoops, or sometimes we just folk. W
umes we just laik. Well this time we were just talking a bit nothing
special, ya know. That's when Josh come up.
Joshua Lewis is a bit of a loner. He's a nervos
DI ol Oloner. He's a nervous kinda guy, always rubbing his
arms and legs. Always pushing his gia
'yo Mways pushing his glasses back in place. Always on the outs with us!
kids. Easy to push around
Osy to push around Nick called him the Lone Ranger, ond Nick's nani.
"Hey, ya guys. Watcha doin'?" Josh says,
"Nothin'. That's Tavarls.
"Shove off, Josh."
Yeah, beat it.
Joshua Just hangs by. He waves his arms like some spastic bird and rubs both
shoulders. Looks away like he's going somewhere, right? But he has no place to go.
Not really
Hey, you dear, Lewis? sneers Nick. Get away, man. You stinki
Nick muscles over to him, gets his paw on Josh's chest, and shoves. Joshua
stumbles a Uitle but doesn't fall. He just pushes up his glasses and eyes Nick
Some girls giggle. No one speaks for Joshua. We just nod. We're cool
Go find Silver, Lone Ranger," says one kid.
"Yeah, giddyup, little doggie, Nick goes
Joshua's got a red face by now. He's always getting that way. He's shakin'
like one of those string puppets, ya know? He actually stores at Nick with a kind
of scowl. And the kids, we all say, "Ooohl And then he scratches his hands, and
wrinkles his nose, and galumps off toward the classrooms even though we've got
another ten minutes, least
"Man, he's easy!"
The guys lough. We get talkin' about other stuff. Just waitin' til class starts up
Yeah, we're all one happy famlly.
But I don't know. I mean, when I'm with the guys, llaugh with them. And they're like
my family, ya know?
That's what I tell myself. But it doesn't do it right for me. I feel, oh I don't know,
like maybe we shouldn't a' messed with Joshua like that. That pickin' on him brings
Us down too.
Tuseta read. Ya Know? Stuff about knights and lords and soldiers. Bravery and
courage stuff. It was lame, right? But maybe it's more honest than this.

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