11.10.2021 • 

1. “I’m in a bit of a hurry, but I’ll ring you tomorrow,” William said A. William explained that If he weren’t hurry, he’d ring me tomorrow.
B. William told me that though he was in a bit hurry, but he would ring me the next day.
C. William said he was a bit pressed for time, but that he would bring me thefollowing day
D. William said he was a bit hurry, but he’d ring me the previous day.
2. Johnny asked his father if he could continue with his study overseas.
A. “Do you think I can continue with my study overseas.” Said Johnny
B. “Is it possible for me to study overseas?” Johnny asked his father
C. ‘Can I continue with my study overseas?” Johnny said to his father
D. “Will I continue to study overseas?” Johnny said
3. "My friend will come to see me”. (She hoped)
A. She hoped her friend will come to see her
B. Sh hoped her friend will come to see me
C. She hoped her friend comes to see her.
D. She hoped her friend came tosee her.

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