06.07.2021 • 

1. I've seen Alison at the nursing home very often. 2. Ben easily made the cross-country team.
3. Our class had a really fantastic time on the fieldstrip to the science museum.
4. Two hundred people had already ordered tickets.
5. Sometimes nice guys do finish first.
6. Shannon had a very difficult time after the accident.
7. Late in the afternoon storm clouds gathered overhead.
8. Farrah's purse was nowhere in the room.
9. Now and then, I wish for something impossible.
10. England had not yet prepared for war.
11. Don't stay out in the sun too long.
12. Zach would never understand his sister and her friends.
13. Almost every person at the meeting was angry about the decision.
14. I'll talk to you later.
15. Tuyen was completely calm when we jumped out and yelled "Happy Birthday!"
16. Birds migrate alone very infrequently,
17. Hand in your paper today.
18. I don't think she was entirely sure what she had said,
19. Only rarely can gorillas breed in captivity.
20. We haven't succeeded yet, but we'll keep on trying.

1. I've seen Alison at the nursing home very often.

2. Ben easily made the cross-country team.

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