20.06.2023 • 
Health and Medicine

At What Age Does a Person Stop Growing?


As we grow up, we begin to wonder when our growth will come to a halt. The answer is not as straightforward as we would like it to be, as many factors such as genetics, gender, and nutrition affect our growth. However, by exploring some medical and scientific facts, we can shed light on this topic and provide some clarity.

Bone Growth and Growth Plates

The main factor affecting our growth is bone growth, which begins in the womb and continues until early adulthood. Our bones are made up of layers of cartilage that gradually transform into bone tissue. Growth plates, located at the end of long bones, are responsible for our height growth. During puberty, hormonal changes trigger bone growth, which in turn stimulates the growth plates. As a result, the bones lengthen, and individuals grow taller.

When Do Growth Plates Close?

Growth plates close at different times for males and females. For females, this occurs around the age of 18, while for males, it can occur as late as age 25. Additionally, the earlier that puberty takes place, the earlier the growth plates close, which results in shorter stature.

Genetics and Height

Genetics plays a significant role in determining our height. The height of our biological parents and grandparents can be a good indicator of our adult height. Studies have also shown that up to 80% of a person's height is determined by their genes. However, environmental factors such as nutrition and physical activity can also impact our height.

Height Prediction

There are various methods for predicting adult height, such as using a height prediction calculator or consulting a pediatrician. These methods take into account a person's current height, age, gender, and parental height. However, they are not foolproof and can only provide an estimate.

Nutrition and Growth

Nutrition is a crucial factor in determining growth. A balanced diet that includes protein, vitamins, and minerals is essential for healthy bone growth. A deficiency in any of these essential nutrients can stunt growth or even cause health problems.

Calcium and Vitamin D

Calcium and Vitamin D are two vital nutrients for bone health. Calcium is a building block for bone tissue, while Vitamin D assists in the absorption of calcium. A deficiency in either of these nutrients can lead to weaker bones and stunted growth.

Factors that Stunt Growth

Various factors can hinder growth or even cause a decrease in height.

Poor Nutrition

A diet lacking in essential nutrients can hinder growth. Inadequate levels of protein, vitamins, and minerals can lead to weaker bones and slower bone growth.


Iron-deficiency anemia can stunt growth, as iron is essential for the production of red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body. A deficiency in iron can lead to fatigue, weakness, and slower bone growth.


Scoliosis is a condition that causes the spine to curve, which can lead to a decrease in height.


In conclusion, growth comes to a halt when our growth plates close, which usually occurs in late adolescence or early adulthood. However, genetics, nutrition, and other factors can impact our final height. A balanced diet with adequate amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals, combined with physical activity, can promote healthy growth.


  1. Can you still grow taller after your growth plates close?
    No, after the growth plates close, it is impossible to grow any taller through natural means.
  2. Can you increase your height through exercise?
    While exercise can promote bone health, it cannot increase your height beyond your genetic potential.
  3. At what age do girls stop growing?
    Girls' growth plates typically close around the age of 18.
  4. Does nutrition impact height growth?
    Yes, poor nutrition can stunt growth or lead to weaker bones, which can hinder height growth.
  5. Is there a way to predict how tall a child will be?
    Yes, height prediction calculators and consultations with a pediatrician can provide an estimate of a child's adult height.

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