07.09.2020 • 

1.In what ways are Dickinson and the poet the same? 2.How does the poet first find Dickinson’s poems? 3.Who is “her” in line 17? 4.Why does the poet say that she felt like her name was written in the poems? 5.How does the poet use the images to describe her relationship with Dickinson? 6.How does the line length reflect the ideas expressed in Stanza #3? 7.How does the alliteration serve to unify the lines in Stanza #4? 8.What is the connection between the Stanza #5 and the last line #29? 9.Think about the Spanish terms Acosta includes. What is the effect of using this imagery in the poem? 10.How do the lines “And thus left on our own./ E. Dickinson and I/ sat down at the same table” help communicate the poem’s theme? (separate but connected)

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