12.06.2020 • 

1. Samantha wished for just a short from the closely looming deadline at work.

2. After long hours of experimentation, the scientist

created a new vaccine for the virus.

3. When Ricardo stubbed his toe against the couch, he doubled over in pain and began spouting

of furniture.

at the offending piece

4. I was able to

my brother into coming to the opera with me.

5. The town became impoverished due to the

of resources left after the hurricane.

6. Eliza searched frantically for her lost dog, crossing many streets and

many woodland paths.

7. She

accepted the invitation, even though she did not know the hosts well.

8. He is not an expert, but he would like to

his opinion and advice.

9. The previous government was somewhat

in its approach to educational reforms.

10. As the day wore on, the

of the situation began to dawn on him, and Sam began to worry.

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