28.04.2021 • 

1.The receptionistme when Ifor the room keys. A) didn't understand /ask
B) wasn't understand /asked
C) wasn't understanding /asked
D)understood/ asked

2.Sheila :you
Matt today?

Jim: Yes. He was at the cafe.

A)were / seeing
B) did / see
C) Do /see
D) were / see

3. Whensheback from London ?

A) did / come
B) was/come
C) did / coming D) was/came

4.Türkan Saylan was a very important Turkish dermatologist and an activist Shethe Istanbul Lebrosy Hospital in 1981.For many years,she workedand visited Anatolian cities to cure sick people.
A) provided /unfairly B) came up with / unfair C) trained / genius D) founded /voluntarily

5. Living in a/ansociety teaches many important things. There are different people and various ideas from many different countries, races or religions. By this way, you can understand people from different

A) ancient / generation B) unique /nations C) multicultural /nations D)mystic / generations

6.Drivingbe very dangerous in the past because therebe seat belts.

A) used to / didn't use to B)didn't use to /use to C) used to use to D) didn't use to didn't use to

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