03.03.2021 • 

1. The runner wishes his legs​ (​be) longer. 2. I do wish you​ (​stop) playing that song over and over again– it’s driving me mad!
3. I wish I​ (​not start) smoking when I was a teenager. It’s so hard to give up.
4. I wish the bus​ (​come) soon! I’ve been waiting here for twenty minutes.
5. Don’t you wish you​ (​live) in a quieter part of town?
6. I wish you​ (​not be) so busy – I’d love to come and visit you.
7. Do you think Ela sometimes wishes she​ (​have) curly hair?
8. My mum has always wished she​ (​can ride) a horse.
9. I’m hungry. I wish I​ (​buy) something to eat when we were in that shop.
10. My friend wishes he​ (​not have to) work so much.0

11. We wish we​‘d gone (​go) to the same place as you on holiday last month. It sounds fantastic.
12. I wish you​ (​lose) your keys all the time!!! It has already cost me a fortune to change the lock so many times.
13. I wish I​ (​move) to Britain a year ago! I hate this weather.
14. I wish my father​ (​not slurp) the soup when he’s eating! It’s so embarrassing! 15. The students wish the school term​ (​be) over and they could have a rest.

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