09.09.2021 • 

11. He was known for his to his colleagues. (generous) * 12. Did he do it , or did you force him to? (volunteer) *

13. People living in the country are much than those in the city. (friend) *
15. Some bushes of roses would your front yard. (beauty) *

16. Her eyes were shining with . (happy) *

Finish the second sentence. Keep its meaning similar to the above:

17. She is so short that she can’t reach the top of the wardrobe. --> She is notthe wardrobe. (enough) *

18. The room has very comfortable air-conditioners. --> The air-conditionersvery comfortable. *

19. It usually takes the housewife an hour to prepare the dinner. --> The housewife usually spends dinner. *

20. Look at her new dress! It’s fashionable but too long. --> Look at her dress. (new / long / fashionable) *

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