01.02.2021 • 

11) The morning air felt refreshing, and the breeze was cool against my cheek. The sun smiled down from above as it warmed the Earth and dried the last remaining dew drops on the grass. I cast a glance at the canoe next to the house and decided it would be a good day to go for a
row: the first row of the early spring
12] I went back to the house
and phoned my friend Jimmy (mmy was always ready for an adventure). I told him about my plan, and he
readily agreed to participate. He said he'd ride his blie over to my house after breakfast.
13) Once Jirry arrived, we lifted the canoe over our heads and carried it down to the lake. It shimmered in the sunlight about 200 yards
from my house. It was a long trek to the water, but I could feel my arms strong under the weight of the cance-much stronger than the previous
year. We reached the water and set down the canoe. We slipped off our sneakers, peeled off our socks, and pushed the canoe into the water.
firmy and I stepped into the water as quickly as we could (It was quite cold) and leapt into the boat. One push with our cars and we were oft. The
cance cut into the water like a knife.
in which paragraph does the narrator best express his feelings about the setting?
01. paragraph 1
paragraph 2
O 3. paragraph 3
04. paragraph 4

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