14.05.2021 • 

(13sbet (A.) attracted
(B.) like
(C.) Top floor
(D.) older
(E.) undecided
(F.) small
(G.) narrow
(H.) up
(L.) continued
Delia and her friend Kylie were at the 1. top floor (ground floor) of the shop. Detia wanted to buy a
small (younger) brother. The shop was takes a hAMOW_{wide). The
birthday present for her 2.
girls 4.outinnue (stopped) going around the shop. Delia was 5. decidedas to what to get
for her brother. As they were walking 6. UR (down) touching at sonce
(big) mugs
on the cabinet, something 8.
(distract) her attention. It was a blus mug with pictures of
spacecrafts on it. Brother will surely 9.
(dislike) this. Delia thought to bersell. Delia mumed to
(hide) her friend Kylie the gift she had for her brother.what is the answer

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