03.09.2019 • 

2.7 project
when you did your diagnostic writing assignment, you were taking the first step in a semester project. at the end of the semester, you will resubmit your rewritten essay, showing all you have learned during the semester.
in this unit, you worked on the 6 + 1 trait topic ideas.
look back at the diagnostic essay you wrote and the comments your teacher made on “ideas.” hopefully, you have learned enough in this unit to make some effective changes.
part 1: answer the following questions as completely as possible with specific details:
does my essay focus on one big idea that i want my target audience to understand? do i have a clear purpose?
do i have enough supporting ideas in my essay to convince a reader that my ideas are correct?
do i have supporting facts in my essay that aren't really related to that one big idea?
is my argument completely logical? do i commit any logical fallacies?
what changes would you make to your essay if you were to write it over again?
part 2: write a clear statement of the purpose of your essay. what is the one major idea you want to communicate to your audience?
part 3: write a brief description of the way you are going to construct your argument. make sure it is logical! include a list of the facts that you will use to support you main point.
100 points

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