06.11.2020 • 

2. As soon as Bobby heard that the math test was going to be worth 30% of his grade, he began studying. He studied in class. He studied on the bus ride home. He even tried to study while walking home from
the bus but stopped after bumping into a lamppost. When he got home, he didn't watch any TV because
he was studying so intensely. He completed the study guide that Mr. Morris gave him and then he
completed one that he had made himself. Bobby refused to quit. He stayed awake all night finding and
completing extra problems on the Internet. By the time the sun rose, Bobby had mastered the content. As
he entered the classroom, he felt prepared. He sharpened his pencil, sat at his desk, put his head down,
fell asleep, and failed his test.
Which type of irony is used?

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