22.10.2020 • 

2. Nicole was hesitant to lend Lia her tea set. Though the tea set was not worth much money, it had been in the family for a long time and was pretty much irreplaceable. But Lia was persistent and since she was a dear
friend, Nicole relented and agreed to lend her the tea set. As Nicole had feared, Lia did not handle the tea set
with the same care that Nicole would have and consequently Lia broke or damaged several of the pieces.
When Nicole asked for her tea set, Lia stalled, "Uh… I forgot it at my cousin's house. I'll get it later this
week. I'm so sorry." Lia figured that she could run out and replace the missing pieces. When she got around
to doing so, Lia was disappointed to find that no stores carried the antique tea set. So Lia purchased a brand
new tea set, much more expensive than the old set. She then threw out the rest of Nicole's old tea set to hide
the evidence of her irresponsibility. When Lia presented Nicole with the new tea set, Nicole was extremely
disappointed and Lia did not understand why. "Look, Nicole, my cousin lost your tea set. I mean, he's still
looking for it but it's probably gone, but this tea set is much nicer." When Nicole did not accept the new tea
set, Lia shook her head in disgust and told herself, "Some people don't appreciate anything."
What is the theme of the story?

What happens in the story that leads you to believe this?

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