03.06.2020 • 

2. PART B: Which quote best expresses the central idea in the answer to Part A?
A. "In the 1960s, inspired by the success of the African American Civil Rights Movement in
the South, Chicanos began actively fighting for equality." (Paragraph 3)
B. "The government agreed to some of the NFWA's demands and instituted some new laws,
including higher wages and more secure employment contracts." (Paragraph 7)
C. "Students began to realize how all these factors kept Mexican American youths from
achieving and left many of them having to eventually take on the same cheap labor jobs their
parents had." (Paragraph 8)
D. "The movement accomplished many of its goals over several decades, and it is still
working today to promote fairer treatment of Mexican Americans in schools, jobs, and even
in entertainment." (Paragraph 11)

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