20.06.2023 • 
Style and Beauty

How to Apply Foundation Correctly?

Are you tired of applying foundation and still not getting that flawless skin? Does your makeup seem uneven or patchy after a few hours? Don't worry; you are not alone. Many of us find it challenging to get our foundation right. Worry no more! In this article, we will discuss how to apply foundation correctly and achieve that flawless, long-lasting look. Let's get started.

1. Moisturize

The key to creating a flawless base is to apply a moisturizer before applying foundation. This step ensures that your skin is hydrated and prepped for the foundation. Use a moisturizer that suits your skin type - oily, dry, or combination.

Pro Tip: Use a Primer

If you have oily skin, try using a primer before the moisturizer; it helps control oil and keeps your makeup in place.

2. Choose the Right Shade

Choosing the right foundation shade is crucial. Never test the foundation on your hand as the skin tone of your hand may differ from your face. Always test the foundation on your jawline, and if the shade disappears, it's a match.

3. Apply Evenly

Use a brush, sponge, or your fingers to apply foundation. If you choose to use your fingers, ensure that they are clean. To avoid streaks, blend in the foundation using a circular motion.

Pro tip: Use a Beauty Blender

Beauty blenders are designed to give an even application. Wet the sponge and use the rounded side to apply foundation. Dab the sponge on your face instead of dragging it across your skin.

4. Build Coverage

If you're looking for full coverage, it's essential to build up coverage in layers. Start with a thin layer and build up as needed. Ensure that each layer is blended well before adding the next.

Pro tip: Conceal After Foundation

If you have blemishes or dark circles, it's best to cover them with a concealer after applying foundation. This way, the concealer blends seamlessly into the foundation.

5. Set It

To keep your foundation in place, use a powder to set it. Use a brush or sponge to set the powder, and ensure that it's blended in well.

Pro tip: Use a Setting Spray

For extra hold, use a setting spray. It will ensure that your makeup stays in place all day long.


Applying foundation correctly is essential for any makeup look. Take your time and follow these steps, and you'll achieve that flawless look in no time.


  1. Can I skip moisturizer before applying foundation?
  2. No, moisturizing is a crucial step to prepare your skin for foundation and avoid patchy makeup.
  3. Can I apply foundation with my fingers?
  4. Yes, you can apply foundation with your fingers, but ensure that they are clean and blend well.
  5. Can I use a setting powder without foundation?
  6. Yes, you can use a setting powder to control shine and keep your skin matte.
  7. How often should I replace my foundation?
  8. Experts recommend replacing foundation every six to nine months to avoid using expired products.
  9. Can I use the same foundation shade throughout the year?
  10. No, your skin tone changes throughout the year, and you may need to adjust your foundation shade accordingly.

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