16.02.2021 • 

2. PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A? A. "Additionally, given what we know about the development of the adolescent brain, how it processes risks and rewards, deterrence through the threat of incarceration is likewise ineffective at controlling the behavior of youth.” ( Paragraph 1)
B. "Prisons generally do not require that correctional officers receive appropriate training to deal with youth populations, nor do they offer training on the social, emotional or psychological needs of young people." ( Paragraph 2)
C. "Further, the consequences of using prison as punishment for youth include higher rates of recidivism, further increases in societal harm, and repeated expenses from paying for offenders to continue cycling through the justice system." ( Paragraph 2)
D. 'However, there are certainly lifelong consequences to being incarcerated rather than treated in the juvenile justice system." ( Paragraph 3 )
E. "The survival skills that youth (and adults, for that matter) learn in prison - self-preservation at all costs, using violence to resolve conflicts and legitimizing domination and retaliation..." ( Paragraph 3)

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