09.01.2021 • 

2. Talking about the story. Imagine that two of King Arthur's knights are talking to each other.
One of them has just heard that Arthur has beaten the Black Knight.
The following will help you.
A: Have you heard that Arthur has...?
B: Arthur has How/this happen?
A: Oh, /fight for a whole day/Arthur's sword break
B: How terrible! Why/Black Knight not kill Arthur?
A: Arthur's friend, Merlin the magician, ...
Write their dialogue,
B: And what then?
A: Merlin/take Arthur to...
B: Why/take him there?
A: Well/new sword
B: Arthur/fight the Black Knight again?
A: Yes, and this time...
B: Oh, how glad I am to hear this! At last/peace...

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