12.05.2021 • 

(2) Then, in the second half of the 19th century, a flood of immigrants began to arrive in America. Most of these newcomers came through the Ellis Island Immigration Station located in New York Harbor. Lacking the means or desire to move any farther, many of these immigrants settled where they landed—in New York City. Their large numbers overwhelmed an already crowded city. The streets became clogged with people and various types of streetcars vying for space on the roads. ​ Part A
In paragraph 2, why does the author include the fact that most immigrants coming to America came through the Ellis Island Immigration Station?​

A. to support a claim about how popular New York was at the time

B. to support a claim about how quickly New York's population increased

C. to support a claim about how superior New York's transportation system was at the time

D. to support a claim about how important it was for New York to have quick transportation out of the city

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