11.03.2021 • 

2021-03-11 : Possessive pronouns POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS
Possessive pronouns show ownership - something that belongs to somconc or
something else.
Example: The ball belongs to me.
The ball is mine.
Possessive pronouns are: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
Complete each sentence using the correct modifying possessive pronoun.
1. The pencil belongs to the girl. It is
2. I ride a bike to school. The bike is
3. The lady worc a beautiful dress. The beautiful dress was
4. The children played with the computer. It was
5. You can choose any food to eat. The choice is
6. My friends love reading. It is a favorite pastime of
7. My sister and I walk the dog because it is
8. Her coat is prettier than mine. Her coat is blue;
is brown.
9. Be more careful with Jolin's toys, because
are breakable.)​

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