25.11.2021 • 

25. Which of the following statements about climate is FALSET A. When air is forced to rise it loses its moisture.
B. Inland areas are generally warmer than coastal areas.
C. Inland areas are generally drier than coastal areas.
D. The climatic zone around the equator is called the temperate
E The four seasons are most pronounced in the temperate zone.
Which of the following is NOT an clement of the Japanese culture?
A. the acceptance of group standards and norms
B the average facial appearance and stature
C. calligraphy and haiku art forms
D. permissive carly childrearing practices
E, the taste for sushi and rice
27. Which social science would most likely study the trash and refuse of a
civilization to determine how people lived?
A. anthropology
B. puychology
C. economics
D. sociology
E history
Which of the following statements about language is FALSE?
A. Use of language.distinguished man from the animals.
B. Language is the primary means to transmit culture.
C. Language is a good way of accumulating knowledge.
D. Language is an instinctive trait in human beings.
E. Language affects as well as transmits culture.

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