16.04.2021 • 

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Summative Assessment: Counterclaim Paragraph
Now that we have practiced identifying counterclaim using different writing prompts you are to
write a full counterclaim paragraph. This paragraph will include at least ONE PIECE of
EVIDENCE your opponent may use, and include AT LEAST ONE REBUTTAL. In order to find
evidence you will have to do INDEPENDENT RESEARCH and find a trustworthy, credible
source that your opponent may use. You can choose from any of the three claims below to
construct your counterclaim paragraph.
Claim #1
The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many more negative consequences for teenagers
than positive benefits, especially in the fields of mental health and education,
Claim #2
Teenagers should not have their amount of screen time each day limited by parents because it
is their right to choose how to spend their time.
Claim #3
Students should have more control over their assignments and have a larger say in what they
learn on a daily basis.
Write your Counterclaim Paragraph Below This Line (Minimum of four sentences)
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