13.03.2021 • 

4. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A?
O A "Very well; I will be very watchful now, and if any day-before-
yesterdays happen I will make a note of it." ( Paragraph 1)
OB "Noble and beautiful works of art should not be subjected to haste;
and this majestic new world is indeed a most noble and beautiful
work." ( Paragraph 2)
OC "The moon got loose last night, and slid down and fell out of the
scheme - a very great loss; it breaks my heart to think of it It should
have been fastened better. If we can only get it back again -"(
Paragraph 2)
OD "When they first showed, last night, I tried to knock some down with a
pole, but it didn't reach..." ( Paragraph 59

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