06.01.2021 • 

40 POINTS Which sentence appeals most to the reader's senses?
A. Beth's mother told her to wait in the car while she went into the giant local supermarket to pick up a few things for the evening meal, the thought of which made Beth hungry.
B. As Billy left school that day, the weather seemed to be taking a turn, and he wished he'd worn a few more layers, but at least his house wasn't too far away, and he'd be home soon.
C. Adam turned over to look at his alarm clock and realized he was already late, so he got up right away, got dressed in the same old clothes he wore yesterday, and left for the bus.
D. Before she glimpsed the sprawling lavender field, Bess inhaled its comforting scent, and as she neared the neatly manicured rows, the mechanical drone of honey bees filled her ears.

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