05.05.2020 • 

7-16 What word(s) best describe the tone of each of the following pieces of writing? NOTE: the word will not come from the sentence itself!
An essay that treats a serious subject lightly and casually.
A magazine article that idolizes a motion picture celebrity, describing her amazing talent and beauty while remaining deferential.
A comic strip that makes fun of or ridicules the American expression, “Have a good day!

A section of a criminal justice textbook titled “The Consequences of Unlawful Searches.”
A newspaper editorial that attacks a local mayoral candidate with the intent to injure his reputation and that of his family.
Rude or indifferent waiters and waitresses should be fired. Nothing can ruin a pleasant meal in a restaurant like a snippy waitress or a superior-acting waiter. Part of the cost of any restaurant meal is the service, and it should be at least as good as the food.

But you must understand, mothers, too, work. My house is clean. I’ve been scrubbing since this morning. You could check my clothes, all washed and ironed. I’m home, and I’m working. I am a working mother. A job that a woman in a house is doing is a tedious job—especially if you want to do it right. If you do it slipshod, then it’s not so bad. I’m pretty much a perfectionist. I tell my kids to hang a towel. I don’t want it thrown away. That is very hard. It’s a constant game of picking up this, picking up that. And putting this away, so the house will be clean.
The U.S. economy is bound to turn around sooner than later. It can really only get better at this point!
The nursing shortage in our country is reaching a critical stage. We must fill our hospitals with fully qualified and educated nurses to avert a health disaster.
Spring is the absolute perfect time for graduations. As nature herself is bursting forth with newness, so are the hardworking students blossoming with the flowers of their education.

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