03.07.2020 • 

7 Choose the correct option Not all /all of birds can fly. The teacher interviewed each /each of student in turn. I’ve heard some/ some of those records , but not all /all of them. I can’t lend you any / any of money because I haven’t got any/ any of. Most / Most of people like Kate. Neither / Neither of my parents will be at home this evening. Neither / Neither of these jackets fits me properly. How much / much of coffee have we got?- Not a lot/ a lot of. A few / A few of Simon’s friends went to the concert, but not many/ many of. Are there many/ many of museums in Brighton? We tried several chemists’ and every / every one of them was closed. He spends most/ most of his time watching TV. My sister has read nearly every/ every one of book in the library. I answered each/ each of question carefully. Do either /either of these books belong to you? We haven’t painted the whole house yet, but we’ve done about half/ half of it. They’ve got five children and each of / each one is quite different. I’m sorry, but I’ve got a little/ little money at the moment. I’m afraid I can’t lend you any. He has very a few/ few friends and he gets rather lonely. She has a few/ few friends in London and she’s very happy.

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