12.10.2019 • 

75 points and brainliest to whoever can type a short essay for me : )

computer troubleshooting: my text disappeared!
mary o'dell

what to do if your text disappears!

why? this happened as the result of a microsoft windows update. it happens after update automatically applies microsoft hotfix kb918118. you lose the ability to display text or text notes.

what do i do now? follow these instructions and it should then function with all the windows updates installed.

download & install autodesk inventor professional 11 service pack 1

download & install autodesk inventor professional 11 service pack 2

*before you continue, you must press control and f1.

download & install the autodesk hotfix for microsoft hotfix kb918118

what if that doesn’t work? contact technology services by telephone.

explain how the format of this document the author provide useful information. include two examples from the text. you may consider format, structure, and text features.

you, i really appriciate it. : )

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