26.03.2020 • 

7I listened further and discovered that the local news reporter had unearthed a shocking bit of information. She started researching the traveling carnival for a piece in the newspaper, but she could not locate any information about that carnival—or any carnivals, for that matter—traveling through the area. Moreover, the park in which the performance had taken place held none of the telltale signs of a carnival. It was as though the evening had never occurred.

8Suspicious about what I was hearing, I trekked to the carnival grounds to investigate. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I saw absolutely no trace of the carnival. No holes existed where I had seen tent spikes the night before. The hay that I had seen strewn and scattered about for the ferocious animals had totally disappeared. Not so much as a single piece of spilled popcorn appeared on the grass.

9Even after two years, no one can explain the strange phenomenon that occurred in my little town. I don’t need an explanation, though. The warm summer winds are starting to blow, and I can’t wait to see what comes behind them.

The narrator MOST LIKELY waits for the summer winds to blow because

A) her favorite time of year is the summer.
B) her town is at its best during the summer.
C) she thinks the summer winds are delightful.
D) she wants to see if the carnival comes again.

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