29.11.2019 • 

9. read these lines, from the story, the passionate shepard to his love.
"the country swains shall dance and sing/for thy delight each may morning./if these delights thy mind may move,/then live with me, and be my love."
which sort of life is the shepherd in that story offering the nymph in that story?
a) turbulent yet filled with love
b) peaceful and at one with nature
c) hardworking yet carefree
d) wealthy and luxury-filled
10. ".. wishing me like to one more rich in hope,/featured like him, like him with friends possessed,/desiring this man's art, and that man's "
which emotion is william shakespeare desribing in those lines from sonnet 29?
a) gratitude
b) anger
c) envy
d) melancholy
11. read these lines from shakespeare's sonnet 130.
"i love to hear her speak, yet well i know/that music hath a far more pleasing /and yet, by heaven, i think my love as rare/as any she belied with false compare."
why does shakespeare structure that sonnet's final two lines differently than the rest of that sonnet?
a) to force the read to interpret the conclusion's meaning
b) to lend impact to the sonnet's conclusion
c) to add a note of despair to the sonnet's conclusion
d) to force the reader to ponder the futility of words
12. in which excerpt from john donne's "a valediction: forbidding mourning" does the speaker tell his wife why she should keep his departure a secret?
a) " thy firmness makes my circle just,/and makes me end where i begun."
b) " a breach, but an expansion,/like gold to airy thinness beat."
c) " but trepidation of the spheres,/though greater far, is innocent."
d) " 'twere profanation of our joys/to tell the laity our love."
13. read this excerpt from john donne's "a valediction: forbidding mourning. "
"if they are two, they are two so/as stiff, twin compasses are two,/thy soul the fixet foot, makes no show/to move, but doth, if th' other do."
a) donne is using irony to trivialize his love for his wife.
b) donne is using a conceit to describe the love between him and his wife.
c) donne is using an understatement to dismiss the love his wife has for him.
d) donne is using sarcasm to describe the love between between him and his wife.
14. which line best states the theme of john donne's holy sonnet 10?
a)" soonest our best men with thee do "
b)"death be not proud, though some have called "
c)" death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die."
d)" doest with poision, war and sickness "
15. " when one man dies, one chapter is not turn out of the book, but translated into a better "
which of these is the best interpretation of this phrase from john donne's meditation 17?
a) it describes god's interaction with humankind
b) it describes humankind's pursuit of heaven.
c) it describes humandkind's pursuit of hell.
16. " here doth lie ben jonson his best piece of "
which of these is the correct interpretation of that phrase from ben jonson's "on my first son"?
a) that phrase is a reference to that poet his self.
b) that phrase is a reference to that poem its self.
c) that phrase is a reference to that poet's deceased son.
d) that phrase is a reference to that poet's deceased father.
17. which of these excerpts from ben jonson's "song: to celia" compares love to intoxication?
a) "but thou thereon didst only breathe,/and sent'st it back to "
b) " as giving it a hope, that there/it could not withered be."
c) "drink to me only with thine eyes,/and i will pledge with "
d) " since then it grows and smells, i swear,/not of itself, but thee."
18. " thousands at [god's] bidding speed/and post o'er land and ocean without rest: /they also serve who only stand and wait."
which of these beliefs is expressed in this excerpt from john milton's "when i consider how my light is spent"?
a) god sends angels to whisper his will into people's ears.
b) a person who does not dream of greatness cannot have faith in god.
c) a person does not have to accomplish great things to serve god.
d) god expects people to work very hard to him.
19. read this excerpt from john milton's paradise lost.
"th' infernal serpent; he it was, whose guile,/stirred up with envy and revenge, deceived/the mother of "
to which event is john referring in these lines from paradise lost?
a) the casting of satan from heaven
b) leviathan's attack on a boat's pilot
c) the eruption of etna
d) adam and eve's and fall from perfection

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