21.04.2020 • 

9. Which passage from the story “The Apprentice” most likely would have required research to write?

A) One Sunday, Joshua and his father, along with his mother, stood outside the church receiving the congregation as they exited, when a small and gregarious old man, barefoot with gray whiskers approached them. “You got the fiddlinest boy I ever seen in these parts. He had my dogs stompin’ till I plum give out.”

B) The next morning Otis was down by the river at sunrise. As the logs came drifting downstream, he helped the yard sheppard pull his skiff ashore. He was an old friend who was familiar with all the ports up and down the New River. Joshua joined them with Otis’ mule in tow. They began fishing the logs from the river and securing them to the harness to be hauled up to the barn.

C) The next morning Otis had arranged to ride in with Remus Carter and his sons into town. They reached the church and all walked slowly around the Parrish side. Otis knew the Reverend and his wife would be there waiting for service.

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