18.12.2020 • 

❅A Christmas to Remember❅ “ You should come and stay the week with me on Christmas, while your dad is away Liz.” I said on the Phone to my BFF Elizabeth Chritine. I call her Liz for short. She lived with her dad and no one else. “ I will go and ask him right now, ok Amber?” “Sure” I yelled. “WHY did you yell that so loud.” Liz giggled. “ Because I am super excited also because I am wired.” I also giggled. “ Call me back ASAP when you find out, kk?” I said suddenly superserious. “ Don't you have to ask your mom?” Liz asked. “I am sure she’ll say yes, but I will ask anyway, call me later! Bye.” I said. “Bye.” I Opened my door and walked into the kitchen. Mom was making christmas cookies. “Mom?” I asked. “Yes sweetie?” she said, not taking her eyes off the cookies. “Liz’s dad is going to be out of town the week of christmas, and me and Liz were hoping she could stay the week here.” I said. My mom put the cookie cutter down. “ I mean, we are having our whole family here for a christmas dinner, but I am sure one more person won't be too much.” Mom said thoughtfully. “Thanks mamma!” I yelled, hugged her, then ran to my room. The second I closed my door, my Iphone rang. It was Liz. “What did your dad say?” I asked the second she said hello. “ He said yes, your mom?” She asked eagerly. “She said yes!” I squealed. “That's great! So, have you managed to ask Carter on a date yet?” Liz said slyly. “OF COURSE NOT!” I yelled. “I haven't been able to for a year, what makes you think I can now.” I said. “Whatever, dads leaving tomorrow so I need to pack.” Liz said. “Ok.” I said and Hung up. “Mom Where's the blow-up mattress?” The next day, mom was trying to make the house clean for the Christmas dinner in three days. “Mom, you don't need to do that till like, the day before.” I said, rolling my eyes. Then the doorbell rang. “She’s here!” I squealed. I ran to the door. “Liz!” I yelled. It was snowing outside. “Come inside,” I said. “Thanks,” Liz said. “Let's go to my room, before my mom’s cleaning everything and drives me crazy.” I said. The second I closed my bedroom door, my phone rang. Liz looked at my phone. “It's an unknown number.” She said. “Probably a scammer.” I said as I rolled my eyes. I picked up the phone. “Hello?” I said. “Amber! Hey it's me, Carter.” My eyes went big. “Oh Carter! HI!” I said so Liz knew who it was. Her eyes grew big too. “ So I was wondering what you were doing Christmas eve, because…...because I was wondering if you wanted to go to the new Christmas movie, Last Christmas with me.” Carter said. That's when I fainted, well almost. I was about to say yes until I remembered the family dinner on wednesday. “I am having a family dinner on Christmas eve, but I am free on Christmas!” I said. “Great, so I will pick you up at 7?” He asked. “Sure, Bye.” I said. “Bye.” “So!!!” Said Liz `` What did he want?” I squealed. “He asked me to go to the movies with him on Christmas!” I squealed. Liz squealed too. “OMG!” I yelled. “I have NOTHING to wear!” “Ok, tomorrow's the day before Christmas, we can go shopping then, ok?” Liz said. “Ok!” I said. I loved how Liz always had my back. I woke up. We are going to the mall today! I remembered my conversation with Carter. I was so happy. Liz was awake too. Soon we were ready to go. All I needed was a ride from my mom. “Mom?” I asked. “Will you drive me and Liz to the mall?” “What's the special occasion?” My mom asked. “Just shopping.” I said. I decided not to tell her about me and Carter's date, at least not yet. “Sure sweetie.” She said. When we got to the mall, it was snowing again. “So where do you wanna hit up first, Urban?” Liz asked. “Sure!” I said. I got a Super cute pink dress, with a black jacket. Some Black High-heel boots, and a black spade micky bag, and some earrings and a bracelet. “Wanna grab some food at the food court?” Liz asked. “Yah I am starving, but then let's hit up the dollar general, because I need to use the rest of my money to buy some presents.” I said. “Ok” said Liz. Soon as we had gotten some presents, we were outside. “You should tell your mom about your date,” Liz said. “I know but, I wonder if she will say no way.” I said. “ Can you call her already, I am cold.” Liz said. “Ok sorry.” I said. Soon my mom pulled up. Once we got in the car Liz looked at me. I knew she wanted me to tell her! “Mom,” I said. “Yes sweetie?” She asked. “Well, a boy at my school has asked me on a date on christmas.” I said superfast. My mom hit the breaks and looked at me. “HONEY THAT'S GREAT!!!” mom yelled. Omg I thought she was gonna yell, but instead she was super happy for me. The guy behind us honked, then mom started to drive again. “So, I can go?” I asked. “Of course, I remember when I first met your dad……” Her voice trailed off. I knew what she was thinking. My dad was in the army. He had died two years ago on Christmas, in a marine accident. When we got home, me and Liz ran to my room. “Try it on, try it on!” Liz yelled. “Ok, ok!” I said.

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