22.08.2021 • 

A. Complete these sentences with the homonyms in the box. Look up the dictionary, if needed. circular employ band desert bait remote 1. The police spread the story to act as a beind to catch the kidnapper. (something used to tempt someone) 2. He has a small empley of volunteers who help him to keep the neighbourhood clean. (group of people) 3. I had to compte all my skills and resources for the project to be successful. (make use of) 4. She lived in a beut village and the nearest post office was five kilometres away. (distant) 5. I was surprised to read that Antarctica is adeout and that trees and bushes do not grow there. (dry region with little or no rain or snow) 6. She went to meet the principal as she could not understand the 90 mote (a letter or notice to many people) 3 B. Now, make sentences which bring out the other meanings of the words you used in Exercise A. Look up the dictionary, if needed.​

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