16.06.2021 • 

A nervous student I don't like taking music exams. Every time I have an exam, it's the same. I wake (0) up a hundred times
during the night, and then I (1)___
up to get a glass of water. Then in the morning, when I'm brushing my( 2)___
I use face cream by accident. I go to the kitchen and I (3)___
too much sugar (or salt!) in
my coffee, but I don't (4)___
breakfast: I'm too scared about the exam. Then I (5)___
where my car
is, and spend fifteen or twenty minutes looking for it. I get to college and discover there's coffee on my shirt; everyone
dresses (6)___
for music exams and their clothes look smarter than mine. I wait opposite the door to the exam
room, and I (7)___
my nails, but I don't (8)___
my phone because I don't want to hear from anybody!
'I'm too nervous. I'm going to fail. I'm going to (9)
up music! I think to myself. Then I stand up, and go in.
It's always the same. But I always (10)___
the exam with 95%.

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