12.03.2021 • 

A student is writing a narrative for the school literary magazine about a visit to a farm. Read this part of the draft narrative and complete the task that follows. The last time the twins had visited their grandparents' farm, they had been bored to tears. Their grandparents were old-fashioned farmers who grew fields of vegetables that they sold in local farmer's markets and to restaurants. Granny and Grandpa were hard workers who had turned their land into a successful farm for organic produce. The twins knew that they would be expected to help out in the fields during their visit, and they were not looking forward to two weeks of work in the sweltering sun.

So, as they rode past miles of fields of corn and other vegetables they couldn't even recognize, they grew more and more gloomy.

“I can't believe we will have to be here for two weeks,” moaned Sam.

“Yeah,” Sally replied, “there will be nothing to do, and there's not even good cell phone reception here. We're stranded.”

“Cheer up,” their mother remarked from the front seat. “I used to love my summers here on the farm. I bet you'll be sorry when the visit is over.”

Just then, the car turned onto the dirt road that led to their grandparents' house, and Sam and Sally both sighed loudly.

In the distance, they could see their grandfather standing in front of the house.

“That's odd,” remarked Sally. “Grandpa's always in the fields in the afternoons. I wonder what's up.”

Before the car had come to a complete stop, the twins jumped out and ran to hug their grandfather.

“I'm glad you are finally here,” Grandpa said. “I have some special chores for you. Come with me to the barn. You can unpack later.”

As they followed their grandfather, the twins glanced at each other. Something strange was definitely going on here.

Then they entered the barn, and when their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they both knew these two weeks would be very different.

Write an ending to the narrative that follows logically from the events or experiences in the story. Type your answer in the space provided.

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