13.05.2021 • 

A student is writing a report for history class about the importance of the Magna Carta. Read the draft of the report and complete the task that follows. When we think of the most important government documents in history, we often think first of the U.S. Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. While the importance of these documents can hardly be overestimated, it is all too easy to forget that without the Magna Carta neither of them would have been possible. The Magna Carta was a landmark government document that played a key role in the development of modern democracy; the effects of this critical piece of legislation are still felt today.

The roots of the Magna Carta were tied to the reign of King John, who took control of the English throne in 1199. Almost from the moment he became king, John ruled forcefully over his people, imposing harsh laws and severely punishing anyone who dared not to follow them. He was also focused on becoming even more powerful than he already was and repeatedly declared war on France to widen his kingdom. In need of money to fund his wars, King John required his nobles to pay large fees if they chose not to fight on his behalf.

Eventually, King John's constant abuses of power became too much for the nobles to bear. In 1213, they began a rebellion against the king, and, by 1215, England was on the brink of civil war. Realizing he had no other choice, King John met with his nobles on June 15, 1215, and agreed to sign a document that placed limitations on his power and gave the nobles certain guaranteed rights. First called the Articles of the Barons, the document soon became known as the Magna Carta. Though the Magna Carta did not end the conflict between King John and the nobles, it ultimately remained in place after being revised several times.

The rights guaranteed by the Magna Carta came in time to have a significant effect on England's system of government. Most importantly, it helped to establish a fair legal system that granted everyone the right to due process of the law. It also led to the formation of a legislative body

that became known as Parliament. Centuries after it was first written, the Magna Carta's influence was again felt when the United States of America was founded. The abuses of power listed in the Declaration ofIndependence echo the claims made against King John by his nobles. When the framers wrote the U.S. Constitution, they looked to the Magna Carta to outline the rights of citizens and design the new country's legal system.

6. Which of the following sentences give evidence that supports this thesis statement from the essay:

“The Magna Carta was a landmark government document that played a key role in the development of modern democracy; the effects of this critical piece of legislation are still felt today.”

Question 6 options:

The roots of the Magna Carta were tied to the reign of King John, who took control of the English throne in 1199.

In need of money to fund his wars, King John required his nobles to pay large fees if they chose not to fight on his behalf.

The rights guaranteed by the Magna Carta came in time to have a significant effect on England's system of government. Most importantly, it helped to establish a fair legal system that granted everyone the right to due process of the law.

The abuses of power listed in the Declaration of Independence echo the claims made King John by his nobles. When the framers wrote the U.S. Constitution, they looked to the Magna Carta to outline the rights of citizens and design the new country's legal system

Both C & D

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