23.10.2020 • 

A subway studently stopped inside the tunnel. The driver, John, squinted down the dimly lit tunnel to see what looked like a body. The driver cautiously stepped out of the train and slowly walked to the object. His black boots crunched on the gravel. He lifted his flashlight partially lighting what he now saw was a body with a faster but still hesitant pace he walked to the person. “Are you ok “he said
The person didn’t move was dead silent. John slowly walked froward and asked if he was ok again. The person didn’t do anything. John was extremely scared. he called the police and said,
“I think I just found a dead body in the subway tunnel “John’s voice was really shaky as he explained what had happened.
Just then a very large figure ran out of the tunnel john saw the dark brown hair and immediately told the police he might have seen the murderer. When the police got there the people on the subway where driven to here houses and the sight was under investigation. They asked john about the man he saw, and he told them that he was about 5 ft 11 and had brown hair. He was wearing a large black jacket, but john saw that his shoes had a red 100 painted on the sides. The police thanked him and drove him home.
John got home and was absolutely traumatized. He tried to take his mind of the situation and turned on the TV but was slowly trembling when he saw on the news that there had been many killings around New York in dark subway stations and that no body knew who it was. John was so petrified he couldn’t even turn of the TV. Listening very closely he watched as the reporters explained that there had been 5 reports of killings and that all of them were in New York in subways. The detective that happened to be one of john good friends that talked to john explained that it probably wasn’t a coincidence that they where all in a subway. John slowly realized that he was the only one that had actually seen the person committing the crimes. John threw on his jacket and ran out the door and rushed to get a taxi. He told the driver the bring him to police station. John planned to tell the police that he might know where this guy was. The more he thought about the person it reminded him of his old boss they had to shut down that subway station because there were many different “problems “. John became very nervous and thought he should call the detective and tell him just in case this guy would skip town. John dialed the phone number and got his voice mail, he quickly explained who he thought it was. John noticed that while he was explaining everything that the driver kept looking back him and looked really nervous. John finished the message and was very quiet. The driver slowly turned on a very dark road and stopped. John looked at the driver, but he didn’t move. John felt his phone buzz and looked to see that Mike, the detective, had texted him and asked him to come meet with him john franticly sent mike his location. The driver told john t get out of the car. John quickly got out of the car and crossed his finger. The driver took of his hat and john was not at all surprised it was hos old boss and the man he and at the subway.
“give me your phone “the man yelled with a gravelly voice.
John threw the phone at his feet. Just then the police car drove up. The man was arrested, and john was escorted home safely.

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