27.12.2019 • 

Act i introduces annie sullivan as she says good-bye to anagnos, a kind man who has her for many years. annie is leaving the perkins school for the blind, a school named for a visually impaired shipping merchant from boston. she and anagnos discuss her new assignment, and annie is curious about teaching a young blind girl. at the end of act i, the other perkins students enter to offer annie presents and bid her farewell. which statement contains a detail that should be eliminated to improve this summary? act i introduces annie sullivan as she says good-bye to anagnos, a kind man who has her for many years. annie is leaving the perkins school for the blind, a school named for a visually impaired shipping merchant from boston. she and anagnos discuss her new assignment, and annie is curious about teaching a young blind girl. at the end of act i, the other perkins students enter to offer annie presents and bid her farewell.

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