10.02.2021 • 

Act one Romeo and Juliet Read the incomplete summary:

• The Prologue says that the lovers’ death ends the family feud.
• Tybalt, nephew of Capulet, hates Montague’s and starts a fight with Benvolio.
• The Prince warns the families that they will be killed if they disturb the peace again.
• Romeo, Benvolio & friends decide to crash Capulet party to help Romeo forget Rosaline.

Which of the following best completes the incomplete summary?
a. Tybalt vows to get revenge on Romeo
b. Romeo and Juliet meet at the Capulet's masked ball.
c. Lord and Lady Montague worry about their son’s strange behavior.
d. The illiterate servant unknowingly invites Montagues to the Capulet party.

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