18.10.2020 • 

Ad this paragraph from chapter 5 of The Prince, when cities or countries are accustomed to live
er a prince, and his family is exterminated, they,
ng on the one hand accustomed to obey and on the
er hand not having the old prince, cannot agree in
ing one from amongst themselves, and they do not
w how to govern themselves. For this reason they
ery slow to take up arms, and a prince can gain
to himself and secure them much more easily.
7 republics there is more vitality, greater hatred,
more desire for vengeance, which will never permit
to allow the memory of their former liberty to rest;
at the safest way is to destroy them or to reside
Which option best states the main idea of the
Former republics are more difficult to rule than
hereditary states, and they will rebel if they are not
tightly controlled
The strategies for controlling hereditary states and
former republics are the same.
Hereditary states come with a history that must be
deeply understood if a new prince is to control them
Hereditary states never forget their former loyalties
so they are hard to control.

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