02.10.2020 • 

Al Text: "Shall Liberty or Empire Be Sought?" Patrick It is on a supposition that your American governors shall be honest
that all the good qualities of this government are founded; but its
defective and imperfect construction puts it in their power to
perpetrate the worst of mischiefs should they be bad men
stitution of the United States had been written, it was
to the states for ratification, or approval, of it. In each
entatives met in conventions to debate the document.
788, Patrick Henry gave the speech "Shall Liberty or
ought?" at the Virginia Convention on ratification. His
the concerns of others helped ensure that the Bill of
added to the Constitution. Read this passage from the
7 answer the question(s).
Which choice best explains the connection between the statement
and the details in paragraph 2?
A. The statement makes a specific point that Henry supports
in paragraph 2 with an anecdote: Once, when there were
kings instead of presidents, the people acted to check the
powers of their leaders.
B. The statement makes a general point that Henry supports
in paragraph 2 with a specific example: Because the
Constitution lets the army influence the president, it allows
the army to run the country.
Constitution is said to have beautiful features, but
ome to examine these features, sir, they appear to
bly frightful. Among other deformities, it has an awful
Git squints toward monarchy. It is on a
on that your American governors shall be honest that
mod qualities of this government are founded; but its
- and imperfect construction puts it in their power to
te the worst of mischiefs should they be bad men;
vould not all the world blame our distracted folly in
ur rights upon the contingency of our rulers being
bad? Show me that age and country where the rights
ties of the people were placed on the sole chance of
ers beinn nood men without a consequent loss of
C. The statement makes a general point that Henry supports
in paragraph 2 with a specific example: Because the
Constitution gives the president control of the army, it gives
a bad president the means to seize more power.
The statement makes a specific point that Henry
generalizes in paragraph 2: Because the Constitution does
not create a king, it is up to the American people to ensure
that their leaders do not take advantage.

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