30.10.2021 • 

Answer the following questions based on the Orr article, "Verbicide." You may need to look up some of the words before you're able to answer the questions. Do your best. Respond to at least two of your classmates' responses.

1. Why does Orr say that "We are losing the capacity for articulate intelligence about the things that matter most"? Explain his reasoning.

2. Look up the words postmodernism and deconstruction and respond to Orr's assertion that our inability to communicate intelligently is related to these philosophical views. How do these philosophical views impact the quality of our discourse.

3. Why does Orr assert that universities and colleges teach that, "everything is relative, hence largely inconsequential". What is meant by this statement? Look up philosophical relativism to discuss this question.

4. What are some of the reasons Orr gives for the decline of our language.

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