27.01.2021 • 

Are now, in that the volumes of any particular work were at least together, but that is all that can be claimed for them. For years I put off the business of tidying them up, just as I am putting it off now. It is not laziness, it is simply that I don't know how to begin
Fill in each blank with the appropriate word or phrase.
ITEM BANK: Move to Bottom
place them in proper order
most adequate
most pressing
without comment
When I moved into a new house a few weeks ago, my books, as was drag and drop answer here moved with me. Strong, perspiring men shovelled
them into packing-cases, and staggered with them to the van, cursing Caxton as they went on arrival at this end, they drag and drop answer here
with them into the room selected for my library, heaved off the lids of the cases, and awaited orders. The drag and drop answerhero need was for an
emptier room. Together we hurried the books into the new white shelves which awaited them, the order in which they stood being of no matter so
long as they were off the floor. Armful after armful was hastily drag and drop answer here the only pause being when in the curious way in which
these things happen) my own name suddenly caught the eye of the foreman. "Did you write this one, sir?" he asked. I admitted it 'H'm," he said
He glanced along the names of every armful after that, and appeared a little surprised at the number of books which
hadn't written. An easy-going profession, evidently.

Are now, in that the volumes of any particular work were at least together, but that is all that ca

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