17.02.2021 • 

As further proof of Slocum’s mastery, he had no modern technology—no radar, no radio, no GPS system—just some dinosauric supplies: “carpenters’ tools, a tin clock, and some carpet-tacks.” (paragraph 6) What is the effect of the word dinosauric in the sentence?
Answer choices for the above question

By describing Slocum’s tools, the word dinosauric shows how much luck played a role in Slocum’s journey.

By showing how little Slocum took with him, the word dinosauric shows that his boat was the key to his success.

By describing new technology, the word dinosauric suggests Slocum’s voyage would have been even better than other similar voyages.

By emphasizing the absence of modern technology, the word dinosauric emphasizes the outmoded tools that Slocum used during his voyage.

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