28.04.2021 • 

I'm definitely not an Imposter If I was then I wouldn't be one 'cause I'm not one
Even if I was I wouldn't say that I wasn't
'Cause I'm not, it's impossible, implausible
I'm an Imposter Imposter
Obviously I'm not an Imposter
Honest to god I should toss y'all like a rotten salad
Any evidence against me far from valid
Like I'd never snap your neck or stab your back
Or crawl up through the smallest vent, attack
An Imposter's a role I could never fulfill
If you don't believe me ask the guy that I just killed
Oh my god, body reported, R.I.P Orange
Look at this crime, it's so horrid and morbid
Tragic but let's not linger
Definitely wasn't me, wanna point fingers?

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