14.03.2020 • 

As I began my might home, I realized that I was not
feeling well feltavy, but I did not know why. Would
be able to make it back to the live? I started to grow
more and more tired soon, I landed on a lavender
plant I knew that I was dose to the end of my life,
This short paragraph rewrites part of "The Bes'
os a first person, prose narrative instead of a
What is the MOST important difference between
how the reader might interpret the flight home in
The Bee if it were written as a first-person
narrative Instead of a poem?
The reader may not feel the bee's emotions as
The reader may not understand the bee's point
of view as well
The reader may not understand what the bee is
thinking as clearly
D. The reader may not experience the beauty of
the bee's world as strongly

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