21.05.2021 • 

B Complete the sentences using these words. ashamed astonishing beneficial complicated domesticated
embarrassed obedient protected suspicious talented
1 Our dog is not always as
as we would like him to be.
2 I always get
when my grandmother starts kissing me all the time.
3 It is
how many new species have been found in these deep waters.
4 Molly is a very
singer and dancer, but she wants to be a conservationist.
5 The Bald Eagle in America used to be a
species, but now it is doing well.
6 The situation is
by the fact that they haven't spoken to each other for years.
7 Dogs and cats have been
for so long, that no one knows when it happened.
8 Malcolm was
of himself for destroying the bird's nest.
9 Jeremy's behaviour is a bit
lately. What do you think he's up to?
10 Planting trees can be very
to the environment.​

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