15.02.2022 • 

Based on the information in the excerpt, what inference can be made? A Because of her own experiences, Sonia wants to make a difference by taking action.
B The U.S. government forces Princeton to hire more Hispanic professors.
C Despite what they say, Princeton administrators do not care about Hispanic students.
D Sonia works harder than other minority students to succeed.
Question 2 Part B
Highlight the sentence that best supports the answer to Part A.
Even though she was getting good grades now, Sonia didn’t always feel like she fit in. It was hard being one of only a handful of Hispanics on campus.

Feeling like an outsider made Sonia determined to change things at Princeton. One thing Sonia noticed was that Princeton had no Hispanic professors. Not one. Even the Spanish classes weren’t taught by Hispanic people.

She and her friends from the Third World Center wrote letters to the people in charge of Princeton. Then she wrote to the U.S. government. She sent in a complaint. Her complaint was that Princeton was being unfair to minorities.

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