05.05.2021 • 

Bears Types of Bears
Different species of bears are found all over the world. While the species are similar in many ways, there are differences as well, and each species is unique in its own way. Some of the common bear species are the North American black bears, brown bears, and the polar bear.

North American Black Bear
It is one of the most common bears found in North America. North American black bears are mostly found in heavily forested areas. They lead solitary lives and are territorial in nature. Most black bears have a light brown jaw and a V-shaped patch on their chests. The black bear's diet consists of nuts, fruits, honey, bees, and various insects. While most black bears feed on plants, some also feed on small animals such as fishes and rats. The North American black bear is the smallest species of bear found on the American continent.

Brown Bear
Brown bears are the fiercest and most dangerous of all bears. Their colors vary from beige to brown, depending on their geographical location. Brown bears are omnivorous mammals, which mean that they eat both plants and animals. However, most brown bears prefer a plant diet. They have an unusual hump between their shoulders, which give them great upper body strength and make them powerful enough to hunt large animals. Brown bears are frightened by humans and tend to avoid them.

Polar Bear
Polar bears are found in cold and icy regions around the world. Since they live close to the Arctic Ocean, they are considered marine mammals. Polar bears have an outer fur coat and a dense undercoat. Both the fur and the skin of the bear are water repellent, which allows them to dry themselves quickly. They are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for a few minutes. They spend most of their time on floating sheets of ice. Unlike the North American black bear, polar bears do not claim territories. Polar bears are carnivorous animals and feed only on meat. Their diet is mainly made up of seals and walruses.

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