20.09.2020 • 

Below is a friendly letter: Here are the questions for it.

1) Please state the repetition.

2) Write the simile. What two things are being compared? How are they similar, according to the author?

3) Write a list of friendly-Letter components it is missing.

4) Identify a theme for the letter.

Dear Reader,

I want to tell you that everything will be okay.

I want to tell you that it will get better.

I want to tell you that it all works out in the end.

But sometimes it doesn't
Most times it is hard and we usually end up getting used to it. But there is
something you can do in response: read.

Read until your heart breaks and you can't stand it anymore. Read until you
have paper cuts from turning pages or blisters from swiping a screen.

You see, here's the thing, even at their worst, books won't abandon you. If they
make you cry it's only because they are that good.

You can depend on books. They will always be there for you. Their patience is
infinite and they have been known to save lives. They can help you become a
smarter, more interesting person. Books can probably help you get dates, though I
don't recommend you ask that much of them too often (you don't want to limit their

Books-like dogs are among a handful of things on this planet that just want to
be loved. And they will love you back, generously and selflessly, requiring very little in return-until they are complete, their light and their wisdom and their hearts sputtering
to an inevitable, lonely end.

Debbie Millman

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