18.12.2020 • 

Below is a paragraph a student wrote about Theodore Roosevelt. As the first American president in the twentieth century, Theodore Roosevelt realized that resources
were limited and should be used thoughtfully. He fought to preserve the Grand Canyon and many other
beautiful places. He also established 150 national forests and numerous wildlife refuges. Roosevelt's
foresight led to the preservation of over 203 million acres of land during his presidency.

Select the sentences (More than one)that BEST describe why the underlined sentence is an effective conclusion
for the paragraph.

A. It tells the last step in a sequence.
B. It provides additional information.
C.It makes the reader want to take action.
D. It reinforces the information in the paragraph.

(I think it’s A, and D, but I’m not sure.)

Below is a paragraph a student wrote about Theodore Roosevelt.

As the first American president in

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